My Ultra-Marathon Journey

Welcome to my blog… I don’t update it as often as I should , generally post later than recommended and I’m certainly no professional but I try to keep it light, mildly entertaining, as short as possible (bearing in mind I’m generally reporting on very long runs) and  hopefully somewhat informative.

This blog enables me to record my experiences, mostly so I can remember them at a later date and not view earlier experiences with rose-tinted glasses but also, hopefully, so others may learn from my experiences… both the good, the bad and the DNF’s.

At the moment it’s my chance to share my journey as I try to complete a number of more challenging events. Having completed several ultra’s I wanted to step up to those that are more difficult, whether that is due to the distance or terrain but things have not gone to plan in the beginning… I am stubborn enough to keep bouncing back after defeat until I get it right so am now working hard to get fit, strong & confident enough to reach the finish lines in style.

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The closing stages of The Wall Ultra with my brother.

About Me

I’m resigned to being a completer not a competitor but aim to be the best I can be, over the years I’ve tried many things including triathlon and obstacle races but have discovered that it is running ultra distances that I’m most passionate about and despite wobbly motivation and anaemia I’m determined to get to a position where I am proud of my performances.

As a lover of mountains & wild places I’m never happier than when I’m surrounded nature & all that it can throw at me and yearn for a taste of adventure, this has led me to focus on going long & looking at the tougher options in particular.

I’m proud to be a part of the UKRunChat team, the fastest growing online running community in the UK. Being a part of this community has provided me a great deal of support and inspiration and I have made many great friends along the way.

I was also delighted to be selected as an Ascendancy Apparel Affiliate, I join an eclectic group of people who all have one thing in common, a passion for the outdoors and a belief that ‘adventure is a way of life’ – check out their clothing and use UKRUNCAT10 TO GET A 10% discount.

In my other life I’m a passionate motorcyclist, sometime SCUBA diver, catechumen climber & daily dog walker.

New York Marathon 2013 (33)

Crossing the finish line of the New York City Marathon in 2013

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